Did you know the Chinese financial terms?
Basic financial terms: | 基本财务术语: |
Sales or revenue | 销售或收入 |
Costs of sales | 销售成本 |
Gross profits | 毛利润 |
Expenses | 费用 |
Fixed assets/Property, plant and equipment | 固定资产 |
Intangible assets | 无形资产 |
Non-current assets | 非流动资产 (长期资产) |
Current assets | 流动资产 |
Current liabilities | 流动负债 |
Working capital | 营运资本 |
Liquidity | 流动性 |
Debtor | 债务人 |
Creditor | 债权人 |
Bad debt | 坏账 |
Depreciation | 折旧 |
Accrual accounting | 权责发生制会计 |
Statement of Comprehensive Income | 综合收益表 (利润表) |
Statement of Financial Position | 财务状况表(资产负债表) |
Statement of Cash Flows | 现金流量表 |
Statement of Equity | 股东权益表 |
The above is for general reference only. Please seek professional advice if required.